Global Creative Industries School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU
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BA Courses

Interdisciplinary Elective Course
GCIN2020 New media and social media 6 credits
Digitalization has become a central part of consumer life and the business world. Our economy, society and culture are being significantly shaped by the development of digitalization and the Internet. Nowadays, new media and social media have become two very important pillars of marketing and management practices for both consumer and business, from hiring to reputation management to customer service. Different forms of new media, including QR codes, Facebook page, Google+, Pinterest and Amazon, etc. are dramatically changing creative processes, technological development, value chains, buying behavior and customer service in our society. The course aims to provide students with an insight into how new media and social media affect consumers and the society, as well as the cultural and organizational dynamics of the business world.
GCIN2020 Course Outline
Prerequisite: Nil
Assessment:100 % coursework
(Offered in 2020/2021, 2nd semester)


Global Creative Industries